Why is Your Agency Not on Social Media?

Literally Facebook is larger than most countries around the world.  People spend hours a day reading, watching and listening to social media posts.  Why would any public safety agency not want to use a medium of journalism, that you and your agency can control every single message you post.

That’s right, nobody else controls your social media platforms that are used by your agency.  If your agency is not using social media, get on board with the rest of the world.  Let me throw you a lifeline… Quick, grab on so you can get on-board our rescue boat and start your social media today!

Seriously, in 2023 there is no excuse for any public safety agency to not use social media, at least use Facebook.  Facebook is the most common social media platform to communicate with your followers, your tax payers, and your community. Beyond Facebook, any other social media platforms your agency decides to use, is strictly your decision. Every social media platform will have a different audience, and your agency will need to determine which platform is most effective in your community. Nobody controls your social media pages, nor does some news editor tell you what to post. Yes, your Chief or your elected officials may set guidelines on what to post, but that control is from “within”.  Nobody on the outside is able to twist, or spin your agency’s story. The message you post on social media is the message the public will read.

There are several benefits to a public safety agency using social media to communicate with the public.

  1. Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over two billion active users each month. By using Facebook or another form of social media, your agency has the potential to reach your community or beyond.
  2. Social media is an avenue to push out information quickly during an emergency or crisis. It is important to use social media on a regular basis so your community knows where to find accurate and up to date information during a crisis or emergency situation.
  3. There is zero cost to use social media to push out information, news reports, department statistics, and much more. Personnel working for smaller agencies often wear many hats. Social media manager is just another hat that needs to be worn by someone.
  4. Social media platforms have very good demographic information about your followers, the time of day they are online and what type of stories they are most interested in. This information is vital to understand in order to grow your social media presence and to be successful in communicating with your followers.

With all of these benefits, there are negatives as well.  I would be wrong if I did not mention, social media does invite the public to speak their mind.  But wait, ask yourself, what kind of government would we be, if we prevented our citizens from being able to openly share their ideas, comments and beliefs. Yes, some of our community members can be hurtful, yes, they can be blunt, but I firmly believe, thru good social media practices you can change the majority of followers to be your supporters. If your community is truly so hostile, that the administration does not want to use social media, then your agency should be at the forefront posting positive community actions on a daily basis.  Thru regular positive community actions, the online negativity will diminish, and your supporters will prevail.

A positive social media foot print, is as important of a tool to your department as the equipment you use on a daily basis. Thru positive community relations, your agency will prevail and be supported by the majority of your community. Every agency has positive community relations, and positive actions, which need to be promoted every day.

For the administration of the department, the lack of a social media presence will be a driving force in the down fall of your agency.


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